Friday, April 2, 2010


I began this blog in January, discussing how the dream of flight has always been elusive. I discussed how time and money have always been obstacles. Four months after I have started this blog, I am on the eve of my dream becoming a reality. Finally, I have found the money and the time to begin persuing my flight dreams. Tomorrow, I am heading to Lookout Mountain Flight Park. I will begin training under their Eagle Package. Over the week, I will fly as much as the atmosphere allows me to.

I had the opportunity to listen to NASA director Maj. General Charles Boden speak today at the National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Chemists and Chemical Engineers Science Fair Awards Luncheon. Gen. Boden gave a very motivational speech about setting out to do what you want to do, and not letting anything deter you. The Irony of this was that Gen. Boden was one of my idols as a teenager. Back then, he was Col. Charles Boden the NASA Astronaut. Two of my students at Blackstar Educational Institute won awards in the science fair. They were around my age when I followed Boden's career as an astronaut and aspired to become one myself. Seeing them listen to Boden on the eve of my flight training was a powerful moment.

If weather permits, then tomorrow will feature my first Aerotow flight. I am going to try to get my aerotow flights done within the next few days, and my training on the hills on tuesday and wednesday. Thursday and Friday's weather forecasts call for thunderstorms. Realistically, I can expect some rain sometime during the week, because that is the nature of spring. But I think I can pull a good 6 days of training out of my spring break, and come back with my H2.

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